So who is using Google Plus?
Written by Simon Geraghty.
Google Plus is a predominantly male platform with 63% not originating in Venus.
- 15% of male users are 18-24
- 22% of male users are 25-34
- 4% of male users are 55+.
Like the majority of Social Media networks users from the US predominate at 5.3m users, but India is not far behind at 2.8m.
Worringly for the site only 17% of the total base are classed as active users, while the amount of uinique visitors has been in decline since it’s peak in September 2011.
61% of the top 100 brands have a Google Plus page.
While there are opportunities for challenger brands to steal a march on competitors the low numbers of active users and diminishing number of unique visitors do not bode well.
Full infographic below:
Produced by Flowtown.